Cancer Research UK had a welcome cash boost thanks to the Wessex Morris Men, who danced their way in Dorchester to raise £226.75 for the charity.
The Dance Out was just one of hundreds of events the Morris men attend each year, delighting audiences with their rebel spirit across the county.
The team is a sociable one, holding their Christmas Party in the Halsey Arms where much merriment was made before presenting the St George’s Mumming Play at the pub and again on Boxing Day, where some 200 people watched the spectacle at Cerne Abbas.
Wessex Morris Men was formed as a Revival Side in 1957 and is still going strong. Based in Pulham, the team practice in the village hall on Monday evenings from 8pm and then make more music over a pint or two at the Helsey Arms. And new members are always welcome.
David Chiplen, Hon Treasurer of Wessex Morris Men, is a fan of The West Dorset Magazine, and used every category in our mag to sum up the joys of Morris.
He said: “You do need a reasonable level of fitness and dancing aids Health & Wellbeing, many people Puzzle over what Morris is.
“We don’t usually discuss Politics but we are happy to Recruit new members to the side. We certainly dance at Homes and Gardens outside many village Churches and we strongly believe that we are very much part of this fine county Culture.
“We are very Down to Earth and like our Vittles!
“We have appeared in the Local News and Whasson.”
David added: “Morris dancing is a healthy and beautiful art and our dance and songs celebrate births, deaths and the cycles of life itself.”
The Wessex Morris Men will be holding their next formal dance out on St George’s Day, April 23, time and place yet to be decided. Look out for details in our Whasson section in March.