‘The larger than life’ landlord of the Hunter’s Moon pub in Middlemarsh near Sherborne has raised £10,300 for Parkinson’s UK by taking on several tough challenges in honour of a close friend with the disease.
Dean Mortimer smashed his £5,000 target having put his heart and soul into a fundraising mission to benefit the charity while bringing awareness of this debilitating disease.
With a little help from friends Gary Scolding, Matt Goss-Custard, Jim Brooks, Simon Pearson and Mike Wilcox, he ran the Bath Half Marathon, took part in a 24-hour Cyclethon, ditched the booze a year ago for Dry January and organised several events in his pub, including bingo, a darts match, a mid-summer market and monthly quiz nights.
Dean’s friend Sarah Chant said: “Dean has totally smashed his goal of raising £5,000 and as of yesterday reached a whopping £10,300.00!
“It seems an amazing amount to have raised by one person with support from his family and friends of course!”
To donate to the team, visit JustGiving and search for deanmortimer1.
Lively Middlemarsh landlord doubles his fundraising target for Parkinson’s UK
- by Karen Bate
- January 18, 2023
- Less than a minute
- 2 years ago