February 9, 2025
15 Stanstead Rd, Maiden Newton, DT2 0BL

Rare Roman coins found in Askerswell on display at Dorset Museum

roman coins1 c British Museum

A rare Roman coin hoard unearthed in Askerswell is on display at Dorset Museum.
The hoard of 627 silver denarius coins was recovered in 2017 during a metal detecting rally.
It was probably buried in the late 80s AD, as the latest coin found dates to 85 AD.
However, the earliest coins date to the Roman Republic, although there are coins of all of the Emperors of the 1st century AD from Augustus to Domitian.
It is the largest hoard of its date in Britain, and nothing like it has previously been seen in Dorset.
The majority of the hoard was recovered the day it was found through archaeological excavation by Mike Trevarthen and Ciorstaidh Hayward Trevarthen. Following their discovery, the coins were declared as treasure. Dorset Museum raised a total of £34,977 to acquire them last year through the treasure process, with the support of significant grants from the Arts Council England and V&A Purchase Grant Fund, the Headley Trust Archaeological Acquisitions Fund, Richard Beleson and a number of other private donors.
The new showcase display, which runs until September 28, allows visitors a first glance at some of the most important coins from the hoard.
Dorset Museum director of collections and public engagement Elizabeth Selby said: “We were delighted to have been able to acquire this rare and significant coin hoard in 2022 with the support of a number of generous funders and donors.”
Dorset Council’s finds liaison officer Ciorstaidh Hayward Trevarthen said: “This exceptional discovery was reported by the finders as potential treasure through the British Museum’s Portable Antiquities Scheme, and it is important that the Dorset Museum was able to acquire it as a result of the process.”

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