February 9, 2025
15 Stanstead Rd, Maiden Newton, DT2 0BL

Stephen and Jack’s 250-mile journey from Portland to Yorkshire for mum

Stephen Jack walk

Portland-based ceramic artist and retired art teacher Stephen Yates will be hoping for good weather when he embarks on the 250-mile walk to Yorkshire with his dog Jack.
Family and friends will wave them off from Coronation Road on Portland for their journey inspired by Stephen’s late mother, Kathleen.
The duo plan to walk 10 miles a day, from the South West Coast path, on to the Wessex ridgeway, the D’Arcy Dalton Way, the Jurassic Way, and the Viking Way – eventually walking over the Humber Bridge before heading for their final destination, and Stephen’s birthplace at Altofts, West Yorkshire.
Stephen is carrying a 28kg backpack, complete with tent, solar panels to keep his phone and GPS charged, water containers, a second pair of walking boots to treat his feet to at the half-way stage; and a number of small sketchbooks. Jack too has his own small set of panniers – to carry his own water and doggy snacks.
Stephen’s mother passed away recently aged 95.
“Mum was very independent,” said Stephen, “and she had that determination in her, even up until the last four weeks.
“Losing her really made me think of my own mortality and to just get on and do things.”
“Jack and I will be stopping by mum’s birthplace of Glatton, near Silton and my brother’s going to meet us, and see if we can find the farm where she was born.”
Stephen will be meeting up with friends along the route – one couple even offering him their garden to camp in for one night – and Stephen plans to fill his sketchbooks as he is planning an exhibition later in the year called The Journey – a reflection of his adventure.
And after 250 miles, at journey’s end in Altofts, West Yorkshire, his brother promises to ‘have a pint waiting’ at the pub.
And what about the journey back?
“Jack and I are taking the train!” laughs Stephen.
n To follow Stephen’s walk and follow the fundraising he’s also doing for the NSPCC, where he’s already raised £450, go to: instagram.com/hike_ dorset_to_yorkshire


  • Jojofoster2011@gmail.com September 21, 2023

    Hello Jack…just passed you on the narrowboat! Good l6ck and what a beautiful day, I know you will have many happy memories to help you and Jack keep going . Jo jo and Jil

  • florence September 27, 2023

    Too many holes and untruths in this story

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